Upon the Waters Wave Sterling Necklace
You call me out upon the waters {Matthew 14:29}
The great unknown where feet may fail. And there I find You in the mystery. In oceans deep, my faith will stand. {Hillsong} This verse is my go-to for the seasons that we're overwhelmed and exhausted and downright scared. For the days that we are treading water as hard as we can, but our legs are tiring. For the days that we feel called to walk into the unknown but we're not sure what it holds. This necklace is our reminder that it's in those deepest waters that we belong - because it is there that His grace abounds. He calls us out upon the waters - past the knees, waves splashing your cheeks, further than we'd ever dare wander. Because it's right there in that unknown where our faith is made stronger.
Combine this message of encouragement with our love for the ocean itself, and this design was born. A powerful symbol to wear daily - a reminder to call upon His name, to keep our eyes above the waves.